Friday, October 23, 2009


"Before I formed you...I knew you..."
Jeremiah 1:5
He knows me well.  

He maps out the lines in the palm of my hand and traces them with eternity.
He instructs my freckles when to appear and hides them again with his seasons.
He paints my eyes from his infinite pallet and captivates them with creation.
He dictates the details of each vital breath and blankets me with his rest.

When my spirit is light and my step has kick -- He sees.
When my heart is moved by the sound of melodies -- He knows.
When my mind is numbed by my own selfishness -- He is not finished.
When my soul grieves deeply and despair encroaches -- He is not without purpose.

For He knows me well.
And set me apart.
And raised me up.
With much intention.

Be known.
Be really known.
Purpose resides there.
So does power.
And a glimpse of a love that never fails.

I mean, what if?

"But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
Exodus 9:16


Amanda said...

I was just teaching my students Exodus a couple of weeks ago and that verse was like screaming out to me. Love your writing!

Danielle Landy said...

beautiful sarah!

Journeymark Cards & Gifts said...

Sarah, this has touched my heart in many ways. As you know, God is leading us on a new adventure in this life, and I love being reminded that He knows every detail ahead of us. This was beautiful!!!